“World Refugee Day” has appeared on June 20th every year since 2001.
Thailand is a country that has been assisting many refugees, crossing the border to be accommodated in various camps since 1975. At present, there are still over 90,000 refugees in 9 temporary shelters along the Thai-Burma border.
At Ban Mae La refugee camp, Tha Song Yang district, Tak province, the World Refugee Day was commemorated on June 20th, 2017. The Government and NGOs’ representatives including refugee camp committee opened the ceremony with speeches to convince 1,300 refugee audiences of awareness in self-esteem, courage and unity in helping each other for community strengthening. There were traditional performances on stage by several groups, i.e. youth, students and handicapped refugees. There were competition of schools’ boards, camp zone that had more refugees participate in this ceremony than others. Each NGO organized shops to display assistance activity in the camp, quiz and games, etc.

COERR shop, agriculture and livelihood activity and products were on display and for sale. Income generated and visits paid by their friends and community members have brought hope and happiness to refugees in the program whose hard work has borne fruit.

World Refugee Day at Mae La Camp, June 20, 2017

COERR Livelihood Fair at Mae La, June 20, 2017 offers “High Quality, Low Price, Community Profit” to celebrate the World Refugee Day in which the refugee products were displayed to public. The number of refugees participating in Livelihood Program has been increasing so the Fair has been an expected outlet to support their well-beings.
